Tuesday 22nd October 8pm

Teatro Out Off

Alessandra Cristiani

Lingua_da Claude Cahun

duration: 50 minutes
ingresso: 15/12 €
reduced dance card ticket 7,50€ – limited seats

Show included in Invito a Teatro

Lingua is the second instalment of Trilogia – Il linguaggio corporeo e l’arte di A. Mendieta, C. Cahun, S. Moon (Trilogy_The body language and the art of A. Mendieta, C. Cahun, S. Moon), an opportunity for practices and reflections on artistic paths.

For Lingua, Alessandra Cristiani carried out a research that led her to discover the life and works of the artist Lucy Renée Mathilde Shwob, aka Claude Cahun (1894-1954).
Writer, photographer, actress, sharp intellectual, Claude Cahun had an active role in the political-cultural movements of her time. She disrupted the grammatical and content rules in literary and artistic languages with the help of her female partner, she devoted herself to a radical identity research that managed to subvert the visual conventions.

“Art is not an escape way, but a performative and performing laboratory where the body exposes itself, features its latencies, the intuition of different natures. What is the best language to capture or channel, even sporadically, meaningful signs, disturbing anomalies that cannot be reduced to the ordinary? Which sinking of the body can be evoked to help the surfacing of vital nodes, porous areas? If acts of communication weren’t negotiated, who would dare to declare their demons, their angels? I catch glimpses of an unknown and magnetic land on the border, a place on the edge of sense and action”.
(Alessandra Cristiani)




Tuesday 22nd October 8pm


project and performance Alessandra Cristiani original music Ivan Macera extra music Alessandro Cortini light Gianni Staropoli production PinDoc co-production Teatro Akropolis supported by Orbita Spellbound Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza, Associazione Culturale Le Decadi with the contribution of MiC, Regione Siciliana a special thanks to the company DEHORS/AUDELA and to Gemma-scuola del corpo